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Feeding ducks ruffles feathers

A Christchurch river-care group is calling on council to do more to stop people feeding the city’s ducks. Feeding ducks is an age-old tradition, but the Opawaho-Heathcote River Network says it harms waterways – and ducks. Network co-chair Karen Whitla said the group had tried using social media to warn… Read More »Feeding ducks ruffles feathers

Getting to grips with bike sharing

A Christchurch student with a passion for cycling is doing research for the city’s inaugural public bike sharing scheme. Danielle Robson, a geography student at University of Canterbury, will complete the research for Spark Bikes. “I’ve always had an interest in active and public transportation and ways of reducing car… Read More »Getting to grips with bike sharing

Mapping the damage

Ben Mack  spends an afternoon with Tony Aldridge to report on how one man’s data is helping to shape the rebirth of Christchurch’s hillside suburb of Mt Pleasant. The sea breeze is strong as Tony Aldridge walks the ever-so-steep streets of Mt Pleasant. “A nickname for Mt Pleasant is Mt Plywood,” he says as… Read More »Mapping the damage

Blind teen mad at buses

Catching the bus is proving more difficult than it should for a blind Christchurch teenager. Ricky Ball, 18, said over the last two years he had been missed at least four times by a bus he wanted to catch. “I was at the bus stop last Saturday with another completely… Read More »Blind teen mad at buses

Cyclist's onesie brings out smiles

Redcliffs resident Darren Fidler knows how to turn heads. Four mornings a week, he bikes the 12 kilometres from Redcliffs in Christchurch to his workplace in Edgeware wearing a brightly-coloured, animal-themed onesie. Fidler, an engineering consultant who holds a PhD in mathematics, says the idea of the onesie came from… Read More »Cyclist's onesie brings out smiles