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Live blog _ Mayoral Debate

Top candidates for the Christchurch mayoralty, Lianne Dalziel and Paul Lonsdale, lined up last night for a mayoral debate hosted by The Press. Sarah-Jane O’Connor followed the debate as it unfolded. 21:02The candidates are each given a final three minutes to wrap up.Lonsdale says he “will lead, but I will be… Read More »Live blog _ Mayoral Debate

Wanted: men who knit

The click-clack of knitting needles has long been the preserve of grandmothers and expectant mums, but Mike Dickison aims to shatter the stereotype. Dickison is part of a group dubbed the League of Knitting Gentlemen, and he is in search of new recruits. He plans to run “knitting for blokes”… Read More »Wanted: men who knit

40 years in the saddle

Sitting on top of his towering bay horse, surrounded in a cloud of smoke from his pipe, Dave Ferriman does not look like your average Kiwi bloke. His red coat is patched at the elbows and has torn cuffs, the result of hours in the saddle chasing hares across the… Read More »40 years in the saddle

Trim Tom ready for new home

There’s no room for fat cats round here. After four months of dieting, rescue cat Charlie has dropped 25 per cent of his body weight. The 11-year-old “gentleman” came back to the Cats Protection League in May weighing in at 9.6 kg when his elderly owner could no longer care… Read More »Trim Tom ready for new home

Triumphant Toil

Last Sunday, Christchurch’s Coastal Spirit FC played Glenfield Rovers in the ASB Women’s Knockout Cup final – the capstone on the winter season. The game was scrappy; a rough and tumble encounter that wasn’t much worth writing about. Rovers had a size advantage and they made it count, out-muscling the… Read More »Triumphant Toil

Candidates' 'no party' brands obscure political groupings

Many Christchurch local election candidates are running as “non-political” candidates, but critics say that means voters do not know what they are getting. University of Canterbury politic science lecturer Bronwyn Hayward said the trend toward “no party politics” branding was unhelpful to voters and masked real political groupings within the… Read More »Candidates' 'no party' brands obscure political groupings